Hide .desktop entries from app launcher

Since I use a pretty simple start menu that just displays all applications and a search bar underneath, it’s kind of a mess. A lot of entries are programs I will never ever use, a lot are…sound plugins that have their own standalone .desktop entries for some reason? At first I considered just deleting thoseContinue reading “Hide .desktop entries from app launcher”

Discord font rendering on Linux

When installing Arch Linux with Gnome, by default fontconfig applies “Slight Hinting” to all fonts. This looks fine for all cases except Discord. Whether I run Discord in Chromium or standalone, the font looks malnourished and weird, compared to Windows. According to the console, it definitely uses the same font as on Windows, Whitney. ItContinue reading “Discord font rendering on Linux”

Modifying Field of View (FOV) in Final Fantasy XIV on Linux

FFXIV-Zoom-Hack FFXIV-Zoom-Hack is a Github project that provides a tool that can modify the game’s memory to change the maximum zoom and the FOV angle. The default FOV is horribly narrow so I always use this tool whenever I play on Windows to avoid headaches. Unfortunately, since it’s specifically a Windows tool, it does notContinue reading “Modifying Field of View (FOV) in Final Fantasy XIV on Linux”

Desktop Environment

For my DE, I chose Gnome (with GDM as login manager), with a few extensions. Dash to Panel moves the top panel to the bottom and adds a task bar, similar to Windows. It has transparency and window previews. The one unfixable drawback compared to Windows is that unfortunately it doesn’t have notification badges (Discord)Continue reading “Desktop Environment”

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